Chrissie Perry 2022 Fellowship
'After two years of lockdown, I was both excited and tentative about leaving home for a Creative Time Residential Fellowship. But I was met with such warmth and support that the tentative aspect evaporated.
During my time at The Burrow, I worked on a middle-grade manuscript. I wanted to create a novel that would, primarily, bring laughter to young readers with a deftly hidden chaser of emotional intelligence. I had an early draft which wasn’t working for many reasons. Having freedom to jot down ideas at any time of night or day was tremendously helpful.
Close to the start of the stay, I was invited to attend a book launch and met many local writers. It was cathartic to compare notes about the highs and lows of the Children’s Publishing Industry. Subsequent catchups were lovely and illuminating.
The general feeling of The Burrow, with its bookshelf of works from wonderful writers who had stayed previously, was inspirational.'
Chrissie's event at Barton's Restaurant
Chrissie's event at Barton's Restaurant
'Among those in attendance at the MGCLT dinner at Barton's restaurant were some of the people behind the May Gibbs Children's Literature Trust.
As guest speaker at the MGLT dinner at Barton's, I talked about my career to date and concerns about children not being introduced to the importance of character development in creating their own stories. I find public speaking (at least to adults) a little nerve wracking.
Even so, I successfully delivered my speech where I actually enjoyed it and on top of this received feedback that it went down wonderfully well.
It was a lovely evening with an appreciative and interested audience. The support group was totally there for me, and I truly enjoyed the experience.'
Christie’s Author visit at Victor Harbor Primary School
‘The children really benefitted from the workshops Chrissie presented. By the end of the week, all of her books had been borrowed and at the request of many of the children who had participated, she had given
several autographs’.
several autographs’.
'I would totally recommend applying for a MGCTF for any author or illustrator.
Wherever you are in your career, the time, space and support truly make for fantastic professional development opportunities.
A huge thank you to all who give their time with such dedication and passion.
I will remember my time at The Burrow with great fondness.'
You can find out more about Chrissie and her work via her website